Ben Schmidt, MS Student
BA, Biology
Northwestern College, 2015
MS, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Clemson University, 2020
MS Project: Investigating the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a monitoring tool for the Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), and using aquatic insect faunal groups to develop a spatial model of habitat quality for conservation planning.
Ben has worked as a stream surveyor in Oregon, as a botanist in Southern Utah, as a naturalist and research technician in Monteverde, Costa Rica, and as a naturalist for the Lodge on Little St. Simons in Coastal Georgia. His main interests are stream ecology and aquatic habitat restoration.
In his free time, Ben enjoys hiking, biking, fishing, and exploring Lake Hartwell and the surrounding area.
BA, Biology
Northwestern College, 2015
MS, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Clemson University, 2020
MS Project: Investigating the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a monitoring tool for the Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), and using aquatic insect faunal groups to develop a spatial model of habitat quality for conservation planning.
Ben has worked as a stream surveyor in Oregon, as a botanist in Southern Utah, as a naturalist and research technician in Monteverde, Costa Rica, and as a naturalist for the Lodge on Little St. Simons in Coastal Georgia. His main interests are stream ecology and aquatic habitat restoration.
In his free time, Ben enjoys hiking, biking, fishing, and exploring Lake Hartwell and the surrounding area.